Hi, I’m Katrina.

I’m a Peristeam Facilitator who wants to help you learn to vaginal steam in a safe and effective way to melt away your period pains…just like I did.

I experienced excruciating period pains for 20 years and tried everything from the contraceptive pill to pain killers, meditating the pain away to reiki energy healings, talking about childhood issues to drawing them through art therapy. If anyone offered a solution, I tried it.

The Doctors I saw over the years kept saying that if the pain subsides when taking the contraceptive pill or pain killers, it was normal, nothing to worry about. If my cycle was the same each time, it was normal, nothing to worry about.

I never felt like the pain I experienced without pain killers was normal or nothing to worry about, so I kept trying and searching.

4-5 anti-inflammatories (had to be anti-inflammatories with naproxen…those little blue pills!) had become normal for every cycle and I had to take them before the pain started or I would need a whole lot more. My periods would last for 7 days with spotting before and after. I had blood clots half the size of my palm and developed anaemia due to massive blood loss each cycle. After 20 years of this, I was sick of the medication and so tired of being tired all the time. I needed something that worked.

A friend who I trust told me about vaginal steaming. Something inside me lit up. It was so different to anything I’d heard of before in relation to healing I just had to try it.  

I nervously tried steaming at home and fumbled my way through trying to teach myself. After many mistakes, I learnt from a professional how to do it in a safe and effective way at home. Now, I don’t take pain killers or anti-inflammatories, my period is 3-4 days long with no spotting before or after. The blood clots have shrunk to the size of my pinky fingernail and I don’t experience the massive blood loss I used to each cycle.

I have had such a positive experience with turning around the pain that I became a certified Peristeam Facilitator to help other women like you.

I’m now here to help you learn how to steam in an effective way that is safe for you and your body, all in the privacy, safety and comfort of your own cosy home while avoiding all the pitfalls and mistakes that I made along the way.

Period Pains

Download a free ebook which explains theories as to why and how pelvic steaming works to dissolve your pain

Free ebook on how Pelvic Steaming may work

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