V-Steam for V-Power!

Period pain relief that works. Find your Happy Flow. Period.

Set up a cosy pelvic sauna practice at home.

Yoni steam to address vaginal and menstruation imbalances.

Our locally crafted steam seats and organic herb blends support you to Yoni Steam, otherwise known as Vaginal (V) Steam (vaginal WHAT?!). Steaming has helped many women:

  • resolve menstrual cramps and period pains

  • reduce blood clots and resolve heavy flow

  • clear recurring vaginal infections and BV

  • release cysts, bumps and fibroids.

  • address vaginal dryness and increase sensual pleasure

  • relieve symptoms of PCOS, adenomyosis, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea

  • Women have also found it greatly supports:

    • increased fertility and libido

    • menopause and peri menopause

    • labour prep and post partum

A traditional healing modality

Vaginal steaming has been used throughout history (her-story?!) for reproductive imbalances. Evidence of it has been found in almost every culture. Our great, great grandmothers most likely did it!

So how do I steam my vagina?!

It’s a simple, three step process:

  1. Put the kettle on! Then pour yourself a cuppa while steeping our organic herbal blend in boiled, filtered water for 10 minutes.

  2. Add the nourishing herbal water to a heat proof bowl.

  3. Sit, squat or kneel safely above bowl or purchase a hand made, locally crafted steam seat. Place bowl in base of seat, then sit and sip your delicious cuppa while meditating, reading or watching telly.

V-steaming feels like a relaxing sauna on your lady parts. It’s delightful! The steam is soft, light, gentle and comfortable for you and your body.

What people have experienced by using pelvic saunas (yoni/ vaginal steaming)

  • "Complete game changer for quality of life. I don’t lose days at work anymore."

    Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database

  • "No more excruciating pain"

    Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database

  • “All the cramps are gone, my recurring yeast infections have vanished”

    Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database

Hi, I’m Katrina- creator of Happy Flow

I’m an Australian artist living in rural Victoria and have a bunch of planets in Taurus so love everything nature, pleasure and beauty.

I’m passionate about sharing what has worked for me. The simple, ancient, beautiful practice of V-steaming was the only thing to resolve my 20 years of excruciating period pains, within 3 months.

After earning a Masters Degree in Teaching, I trained with the Peristeam Institute and am qualified as a Peristeam Facilitator.

I am so grateful to my teacher, Keli Garza of Steamy Chick, who changed my life by introducing me to steaming.

What people say about Katrina

  • Sarah

    I’m so appreciative to Katrina for offering this opportunity to develop these spaces and tools to support me to heal and grow

  • Vero

    I love your gentle leadership and kindness and how safe you made me feel. I love the merging of creativity and womb wisdom.

  • Kate

    Absolutely would recommend! I found it easy to drop in, no expectations, felt supported and excited to explore further.

  • Wendy

    I whole heartedly recommend Katrina. Your manner is confident, calm and compassionate so I felt vey safe. I appreciated your generosity of time and care.