Happy Flow

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Why steam your Vagina? (and why you’ll resist it!)

The answer to this question and statement can be summed up in this one little phrase.

V-steam for V-power.

Steaming helps me physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Before steaming, my pains were so severe, so constant and so bloody (!) annoying that I didn’t have time or space or energy for noticing or doing anything much, just getting through the day/week/year. If there’s an imbalance in our internal or external genitalia, it’s SO HARD to ignore it and just ‘get on with it’.

After steaming, I had time and space and energy to connect into v-power!

When I think of power in relation to v-power, I feel excited, I stand taller and I feel my awareness and my world expand. I feel a sense of possibility and everything feels alive. The word ‘power’ can be quite triggering so I had a look at the definition of it.

There are a few meanings of power so I wanted to clarify what v-power is and what it isn’t in my own experience, because that’s the only place I can really talk from! When I talk of steaming, it’s also called pelvic saunas/steaming, or vaginal steaming or yoni steaming. V-power is the power of the vagina but really the whole wombspace. Now we are on the same page with the definitions, let’s get into it!

What is V-power?

V-power is not power over others. V-power is not gaining and abusing power. V-power is not a female or feminine version of patriarchy and the power that has caused so much damage in our worlds and hearts.

To me, the steam has helped to clear my power space, my uterus/wombspace, of stagnation so I can then have more access to v-power.

I’m still learning but so far, I’ve found that v-power is about flow, hence the name ‘Happy Flow’. In my own experience, this power is more about letting go and letting nature take its course. It’s inviting me into a space of curiosity and surrender (now there’s another triggering word!) where I am moved by my body and my cycle. It’s a different timetable to what I’ve grown up with so it’s taking a bit of getting used to. I’m just starting to build trust for the impulses I feel to act and rest and everything in between.

Anytime I try to force myself against this flow, it just ends up in a big old PMS mess. You know the one….you lose your temper, you get your cranky pants on, nothing’s right and you look terrible in the mirror.

If I push myself too hard and for too long, so that the enjoyment in the action leaves and there’s a ‘forcing’ energy to things, I lose my temper. I spark all over the place and it’s not as pretty as a sparkler! I hurt myself and people I love. Weirdly enough, there’s often a grain of truth in what I say or why I’m losing my temper, but the delivery is all wrong. When this happens, it’s down tools and rest. Just stop, drop, and steam! Doing something nurturing and tender for myself gets me back on track and clears my mind as well as my wombspace. I then have the headspace to figure out what my needs are and the energy to go about supporting myself to meet those needs.

Steaming has helped me to recognise when I need to stop and look after myself as well as when I need to move and act. When really in flow, the action is more effective and efficient and the rejuvenation and rest is more nourishing and complete.

It’s all definitely a work in progress, but the steaming has been an integral part of the self care puzzle. It may even be the whole picture that the puzzle is based on.

Why you may resist it.

When I had my pains I grew very sceptical of any ‘solutions' as none had worked for me, or some had worked for a bit, then the pain came back. I was taking 4-5 pain killers before the pain started (had to be before the pain otherwise it didn’t work) and that was my strategy. After many years of trying so many different modalities, I was sticking to this. I still felt exhausted and had massive blood clots and blood loss but I didn’t have the pain. This may be why some people will not steam. They’ve found a system that works for them and they understandably don’t want to mess with it for something that ‘might’ work. But they are the key words…it might actually work! What v-power might you tap into?

Let me know why you might start steaming as well as why you might NOT start steaming. I’d love to know!

With Warmth,


P.S. if you’re interested in starting a steaming practice in the cosiness of your own home, book in a consult and I can set you up with a steam plan that suits you and your body. You ‘might’ just be on your way to pain free periods (as well as smaller blood clots and less blood loss like what happened with me!).
